I’m not a Roman Catholic, but I was really pleased that Pope Benedict 16th visited our country, and that he came to encourage all Christians here, not just his own members.
He came with words of warning to a nation that is sliding into a dismal and hopeless secularism, where aggressive atheists take every opportunity to ridicule and undermine religious faith and banish it from public life.
I don't think most of the people in the country are atheists, but there is a tiny minority in humanist and secular groups who are dangerous to all of our spiritual health.
And what hope does the National Secular Society offer in return? They tell us that we are all random accidents of genetics, living out our lives in a scramble for survival, every person for themselves, with only oblivion to look forward to?
Not much hope there. In contrast the Christian story is full of hope in a loving God. A God who created the world in infinite beauty, with abundant resources, food and water. A God who has told us how best to live on earth, creating community, taking responsibility, putting love into action and caring for the weakest in society.
Our story is of a God who knows how difficult life can be, because he came here in person, as a baby born in a stable, who lived as a refugee, and under foreign occupation.
Jesus lived out his message of forgiveness and love, challenging the rich and powerful.
This God died on a cross, taking responsibility for the way we are—so that we can live in friendship with God and each other.
Our story is of a God of the living, who promises us a place in his home for eternity, a seat at his heavenly banquet—if only we accept the invitation. Now that’s what I call hope!
We get a foretaste of that banquet in our Harvest Festival services in October. I hope it will be an opportunity to build community, to thank God for all we have, and to share it with those who have less.
I hope this will also encourage us to reject the hopeless message of the atheists, and to remember the big story of Christianity and live it out.
Because those who give will get, those who place themselves last will come first, and those who appear powerless will know God’s power for their lives now and in eternity.
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